Explanations of spreads

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Fair young man, one impelled to render service and with whom the Querent will be connected; a studious youth; news, message; application, reflection, meditation; also these things directed to business.
Which ancestors are here?
News, alliances, affinity, consanguinity, ancestry, return, false projects.
What's your relationship to me?
Failure, foolish designs. Another account speaks of marriage frustrated and contrarieties of all kinds.
What gifts passed through generations have I inherited from you?
The card signifies strength in opposition. If attacked, the person will meet an onslaught boldly; and his build shews, that he may prove a formidable antagonist. With this main significance there are all its possible adjuncts--delay, suspension, adjournment.
What do you hope for me?
Cruelty, perversity, barbarity, perfidy, evil intention.
How can I honor my heritage?
Imprisonment, suspicion, doubt, reasonable fear, shame.
What's a healing message from the ancestors?