Explanations of spreads
Choose a deck:
Etteilla’s Livre de Thot Tarot
Grand jeu de l'Oracle des Dames
Minchiate card deck - Florence - 1860-1890
Piedmontese tarot deck - Solesio - 1865
Sola Busca
Swiss Tarot
Tarot Flamand de 1780
Tarot of Marseilles
Choose a spread:
Astrological Spread
Celtic Cross
Clarity Spread
Comic Strip
Deity Spread
Emotions of Others
Ethics of Wealth
Four Cards
Four Elements
Four Seasons
Five Card Cross
Five Card Cross With Significator
Five Card Dream Interpretation Spread
Five Card Row
Five Events
Game Plan
Id, Ego, Super-Ego
Lord of the Rings
Moving Spread
Musical Spread
My Future Self
Relationship Spread
Restless Night
Single Card
Spirit Identification
Staying or Changing
The Ankh
The Blind Spot
The Cross
The Decision
The Determining Factor
The Evolution
The Inner Fool
The Path
The Problem
The Secret of the High Priestess
Three Card Row
Three Possibilities
Tree of Life
Twelve Month Oracle
Twisting Paths
Two Cards
Two Cards With Significator
Week Ahead
What Would They Want To Say?
Whispers of the Ancestors
No reverses?
Main page
About Me
Want to suggest a spread, or have some other question?
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Why did that synchronicty happen?
What message is it trying to give?
What should I bring my attention to?
Who or what caused the synchronicity?
What can I learn from this synchronicity?